Lip Tint $400
Lip tint tattoos enhance the natural lip shape, defines the edges and increases symmetry and color. Color can be customized and ranges from very natural to a lipstick style look.
Touch ups are a separate cost of $200 and are scheduled 8 weeks from your initial appointment.
Dark lips $400
For people of color who’s lips are darker than they’d like or top lip and bottom lip are different colors. Dark lips require a neutralization session to blend any dark pigmented areas and neutralize their tone which can then be transformed to the desired result.
Touch ups are a separate cost of $200 and are scheduled 8 weeks from your initial appointment.
Skin should be healthy and free of any irritation.
Bleeding and swelling during the treatment can affect results, please avoid any blood thinning medications 72 hours before our appointment and any alcohol or excess amount of caffeine within 24 hours of our appointment.
Swelling is normal and should be expected and can last for a few days for some clients, please schedule your appointment accordingly.
If you suffer from coldsores this will trigger an outbreak and you'll need to take valtrex for three days before and after your appointment.
Immediately after your appointment I recommended wiping your lips every 30 minutes or so with water in order to remove excess lymph and reduce scabbing, wash your lips well before bed with gentle soap and warm water, pat dry with a paper towel and apply aquaphor.
Healing time is very quick and easy, just a keep a thin layer of Aquaphor on the area. Your lips may feel swollen and slight bruising may occur. Keep moisturizing with Aquaphor as needed, some flaking or peeling may occur, similar to experiencing a chapped lip.
Color is bright for the first few days then settles in and softens.
Keep the tattooed area away from cosmetics for the next 7 days.
Refrain from using saunas and swimming pools, excessively sweating or sunbathing.